See Also
Pins or unpins the current or history version of a file. Projects and checked-out files can not be pinned.
An file that has been pinned is denoted with a pin symbol. When you pin a file, you are locking in a particular version of the file. In other words, no changes can be made to the file as long as it is pinned, and this version becomes the current version. Thus, when a Get Latest Version command is performed on a pinned file, the pinned version is the version that will be retrieved, even if there is a more recent version.
If a file is already shared then pinned, the pin command only applies to the file on which the pin happens. Any other project sharing the file will not be pinned and can still make changes to the file.
In Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Hosted, pinned file can not be shared.
Access Rights
You must have Pin/Unpin access right to use this command.